People are hurting…but we can help.

For the past 15 years, Kairos Life Institute has been a Pastoral Counseling and Care Ministry. We’ve ministered primarily to believers in our Dallas/Wylie, Texas offices, and internationally online. However, as headlines are leaping off the pages of the Bible, we believe this is a strategic time to shift our focus and invest in equipping mature local believers for a ministry of presence in their own neighborhoods. We are now a spiritual training center with a mission to commission Community Chaplains in neighborhoods across the U.S. who will be spiritual safe harbors for those in crisis and need.

Privacy fences, busyness, racial strife, socioeconomic disparity, political ideology — all serve to divide and isolate us. We don’t know our neighbors, and most of us don’t care. We are just trying to survive in our own little bubble, and haven’t the time nor interest to “bear one another’s burdens” or to be concerned about other people’s problems. If we are going to turn the tide in our nation, we must begin to reconnect with those around us…to SEE their humanity and their needs. Because somewhere between the atheists and church members, there are multitudes of outliers who are looking for hope in a crooked and perverse era. The Word of God tells us to “always be prepared to give an answer for the hope that is within us” (1 Peter 3:15) Our desire is to train up “hope dealers” in every city — those who will speak life and hope, peace and joy over the broken, bruised, and bound.

So what does this look like?

It COULD look like any of these things:

  • Visiting the sick in your neighborhood with some chicken soup
  • Organizing a Meet in the Street night to get to know each other
  • Connecting neighborhood moms for fun and parenting tips
  • Offering to lead a Zoom prayer meeting once a week
  • Checking in on someone who is grieving after a loss
  • Spearheading food drives and providing financial relief resources

The Biblical Greek word “kairos” means a specific moment, event, or season ordained by God for His Divine purpose. Kairos is a time when conditions are right for the accomplishment of a crucial action — a “carpe diem” or “seize the day” kind of time. We are located in Wylie, TX and serve not only the DFW Metroplex, but also nationwide and worldwide via our online Chaplain Academy.    

Kairos Life Institute is a 501(c)3 nonprofit charitable organization. Please consider donating monthly or a one-time gift to help us fulfill our mission to provide spiritual care to the lost and unchurched — no gift is too small. Your donations are tax-deductible.